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Project promoted dall'AUR-Agency Umbria Research co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) Umbria ESF "Regional Competitiveness and Employment '2007-2013

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Titolo idea:




Descrizione del progetto:


The name of our product is Mix’n’Joy.
Mix’n’Joy is a new kind of fruit juice 100% made in Italy that allows to combinate more flavours and to drink them together. The brick is made of recycled tetrapack.
We propose two different models.
1. The compact model is composed of two different flavours, located inside two containers, joined (150cl each); these can be drunk individually or together, by breaking the wall between them with a lever.
2. The cylindrical model is composed of a flavour, located inside a container (of 167cl); this can be drunk individually or with another one of the same kind, by screwing them.


Componenti della squadra:


  • Angelucci Sara

  • Stella Lorenzo

  • Mancini Riccardo

  • Ben Youssef Hamza


VIDEO: english subtitles available

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