Titolo idea:
Descrizione del progetto:
Our product is a toothbrush which contains a phial of toothpaste to be inserted from the bottom. The toothpaste with an under pressure open on the top, reaches the brush through a thin channel inside the neck of the toothbrush.
To allow the toothpaste to come out, you push the open sides of the handle (pressing the phial). When the toothpaste is finished you can change the phial that is easily disposable as it's made of organic material. In this way you reduce the environmental pollution. This product is useful for travellers.
We also offer unusual caps, longer than the normal ones. They are like capsules which grip the handle forming a single piece. Caps are difficult to lose, and they have a large range of colours matched with those of the toothpaste phial. It eliminates the annoying tube of toothpaste.
Componenti della squadra:
- Castaldi Michela
- Piacenti Giulia
- Campili Alessia
- Piciucchi Krizia
- Proietti Matteo